What is a Gait Analysis?

Human walking, or locomotion, results from millions of years of human evolution. Our biomechanics, structural alignment, and muscle coordination have been fine-tuned at every step to make walking as energy-efficient as possible. Even slight deviations or abnormalities can result in tremendous unnecessary pain and energy expenditure. When it comes to matters of the musculoskeletal system, a proper assessment of gait/walking is often the first step toward a real solution.

Gait Analysis studies how your body moves when you walk or run. Gait analysis can be performed through a variety of different assessments. Typically, gait analysis is performed statically and dynamically, as well as by using treadmills, mats, walkways, or in-shoe sensors. Gait Analysis creates a unique map of how your body moves. Gait Analysis examines what is happening in your body, including kinesthetic awareness, habits, mobility, flexibility, stability, and functional strength.

All these elements are combined to create a person’s “gait.” Gait means the manner of walking. The benefits of gait analysis are to fix and restore a person’s normal “gait” after obtaining an injury that affects the person’s ability to walk or run. Gait analysis could be beneficial to runners by helping to identify biomechanical abnormalities and underactive and overactive muscles. To normalize “gait” function, a treatment plan will be made to guide you toward recovery.


For assistance in all things pain management, we recommend that you contact our Doctor for Pain Management and EMG Testing on Long Island.