Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Long Island
Are you experiencing early signs of Parkinson’s and want medical attention? Dr. Rai at Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of Long Island can help address any problem you may have come across with experiencing Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson’s rehabilitation on Long Island can help you overcome any difficulties that are causing issues to your day-to-day life. For more information on how we can help you, feel free to contact us for a consultation.
Signs of Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s is a nerve disorder that affects movement around the body and could be caused by your genetics. There are many different signs of Parkinson’s, but each symptom will gradually worsen with time. Getting medical attention can potentially help your situation. Some signs of Parkinson’s include:
Slowed movement
Rigid muscles
Impaired posture and balance
Loss of automatic movements
Speech changes
Writing changes
All of these signs can show the early stages of Parkinson’s. If you are feeling any of these symptoms, it may be in your best interest to receive Parkinson’s rehabilitation on Long Island.
Parkinson’s is a disease that is unfortunately not curable. There are, however, many different types of treatment that can help lower your symptoms of Parkinson’s. Some of these treatments include:
Dopamine Agonists
COMT inhibitors
MAO-B inhibitors
Brain surgery
With these treatments, they can ultimately slow down your symptoms and give you some sort of relief for Parkinson’s. Brain surgery is a last resort treatment and will only be performed after all other means of treatment have been exhausted. But like every other treatment listed, they only give some sort of relief in the end.
While it is said that doctors and researchers don’t fully understand how Parkinson’s truly inhabits the person, they do speculate that there are several reasons as to why people develop it. Some of the believed causes of this disease include:
Environmental triggers
Presence of Lewy bodies
Alpha-synuclein is found within Lewy bodies
While these may be causes of the disease, there are still risk factors for Parkinson’s, which include:
Exposure to toxins