Pain Management Long Island

Coping with Limb Loss

The loss of a limb can dramatically change a person’s life. You may feel that your mobility and independence will never be the same again. In the beginning stages of recovery, you may wonder when and how you will be able to return to a normal life. Recovery is possible, and with the help of our experts here at Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of Long Island, we will do everything we can to help you to live the best life you possibly can.

Becoming accustomed to this process can be timely as well as emotionally and physically taxing. It is important to remain patient and optimistic through this stage of your life. Finding a doctor that will help you through the recovery process is vital in this stage as well. If you seek the best pain management physician on Long Island, contact Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of Long Island to learn more about how we can help.  

What are the Important Steps to Take During Limb Loss Recovery?

Making sure you are taking all the steps towards recovery after losing a limb is crucial. See some important things you or your loved one should do to aid in their recovery below:

  • Strategies that help your self-care are important such as getting as much rest as possible. Making sure you are well rested will help you feel ready for the day.
  • Maintaining a clean and healthy diet. Make sure you are getting the right amount of nutritional foods
  • Breathing exercises are great when experiencing stress
  • Making sure you stay well connected to family and friends for support and someone to talk to you
  • Support of other amputees is important because talking to someone else who is going through the same things you are will help.
  • Making sure that you are asking your doctor any questions or concerns that you may have. The more questions you ask the more you will start to understand how to cope better with losing a limb. The team at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on Long Island, voted best pain management physician on Long Island will be able to help you return to a normal, pain-free life
  • Having daily activities planned is very useful. This helps people cope and keeps them occupied as well.
  • Returning to daily life activities is something that many amputees worry about. For example, returning to work is a major one. It is important to understand that returning to normal activities may take time.
  • You must be patient and allow your doctor to do everything they can to help you return to your normal activities. It is also important to know that your performance at work is contingent the time you take to help yourself recover. So take your time and let things work out on their own and do not rush the process.

Best Pain Management Physician on Long Island

Adjusting to such a change can be very challenging and does take time. Each person is different but with the use of practical coping strategies, you will be able to feel better with each day to come. If you are searching for the best pain management physician on Long Island, contact us to learn more about what we can offer you. Remember, stay positive and know that reaching a point where we are comfortable with our new lives will take time. You are not alone while going through this critical transition phase, as many others are going through a similar process. Remaining optimistic and mentally strong will be the key components in the recovery process and returning to a normal life.